Our site listed 3517 West Chester Pike as the location. This was information we received at the time of the filing. Unfortunately, there is a duplicate address - both the building that contains the Hair Salon AND Newtown Beer and Soda are listed as 3517 West Chester Pike.
Bartkowski himself seemed surprised when informed of this at the hearing, although the Zoning Board is aware of the issue.
This situation led to two inaccuracies in the data. First, the location selected was listed as the hair salon, and is now detailed on the info page as Newtown Suds, 3517 West Chester Pike #4, Newtown Square, PA 19073. Second, the picture rendered for this address was of the Hair Salon, which was incorrect. we have taken down the images of the sites in Newtown Square so we can review them and only provide you with accurate information.
Remember: we do not advocate the boycott of any of the businesses at these billboard locations. Most if not all of them are leaseholders who have no control over the plans at these locations. Our fight is not with the businesses who help our neighborhoods grow, it is with the blight brought on by the billboards.