
We have developed a podcast to spread the word. We will record episodes to share information we have learned.

Episode 2 - Feb 21, 2011
Recap of meetings in Haverford, Newtown Township and the Commonwealth Court case of Marple v Bartkowski

Episode 1 - Feb 4, 2011
What's this I hear about billboards in Delaware County??

In our inaugural episode, we discuss the fight against billboards in Delaware County, PA and other areas. We discuss the current challenges to Springfield, Marple, Newtown Township, Haverford, and even across county lines in the Norriton area.

We talk about PA Constitution Article 1, Section 27, which guarantees "a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic values of the environment." We also review activities that you can do to get involved, including attending the Commonwealth Court hearing for B.I.G vs Marple Township on Tuesday Feb 8, the Wednesday PM meeting of the Newtown Township Zoning Board where you can weigh in against the billboard plans, and the upcoming final remarks in Springfield on Thursday, Feb 24.

Rather than link to them individually, we encourage you to visit nobillboards.com for up-to-date news about our efforts. You can also sign the petition, which gives you the ability to stay up to date via our mailing list (or simply sign up for the mailing list for updates over on the top right corner of the site). Get involved and save our neighborhoods from blight!
Episode #1 explains the problem, and how you can get involved.